An Overview of ISI Certification
ISI stands for "Indian Standard Institute," and the ISI mark ensures that an electrical product meets the ISI's Indian standards. ISI certification
refers to the process of obtaining an ISI Mark. Obtaining ISI Certification is generally a voluntary act. There are, however, some electrical products or items,
such as wires, appliances, electric motors, and so on. Before they can be sold in the market, they must bear the ISI mark. This Certificate verifies the safety of
an electrical item or appliance.
The BIS Act 1986 was enacted in the mid-1980s after it was determined that it was appropriate to give ISI's operations statutory status. The ISI was renamed the Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) to facilitate cooperative product standardization and quality certification, with clearly defined procedural safeguards. Any importer or manufacturer
who wants to register their products with the BIS ISI Scheme must follow the department's predefined procedures, which include application filing, inspection, product testing,
and application examination.
What are the Objectives of an ISI Certification?
The objectives of ISI Certification in India are as follows:
What are the Benefits of an ISI Marked Product?
Products Require Mandatory ISI Certification in India
The Indian government is currently implementing numerous changes in the manufacturing and trading sectors. These changes include the Bureau of Indian Standards specifying higher standards that must be met by every manufacturer who wants to sell their product or items on the market. ISI certification is required for the following products:
Documents required for obtaining ISI Certification
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