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International Trademark Registration
The process of registering a trademark is geographically limited. To be more specific, you must file a separate trademark registration for each
territory or country in which you need to mark your business or product presence. It is critical that you complete it quickly. Every national trademark enrolment
expires at the end of that country's boundary, and the trademark holder is not permitted to use the registration rights of the trademark outside the boundaries of
the country or territory.
The Madrid Protocol was established in 1996 with the primary goal of registering a trademark in multiple countries. The Madrid Protocol or agreement describes the system of international trademark registration. To complete the registration process, simply file an application for International
Trademark Registration with the applicant's respective trademark office.
According to the Madrid Protocol, international trademark registration applications should be recorded by the trademark applicant through the applicant's trademark office,
which is known as the workplace of origin. If a trademark is registered for an Indian company, the workplace of origin is the Office of the Registrar of Trademarks in India.
The office of origin is where the trademark application process takes place, and it is recorded with the Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.
If your trademark application meets the standards, your mark, logo, phrase, or word will be entered into the International Register and published in the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Gazette of International Marks. At that point, the International Bureau issues the international registration certificate
and also announces that each nation is shortening the Madrid Protocol, to which the trademark applicant has referred for certificate and protection.
'The Madrid System for International Registration of Marks is in charge of the international system for assisting in the registration of trademarks all over the world.'
Benefits of International Trademark Registration
Legal Protection
International trademark registration allows you to legally protect your trademark by allowing you to sue someone if there is any doubt about infringement. As a result, before deciding on a legal strategy to combat infringement, you should always register your mark, whether it is a word, phrase, slogan, or logo.
Business Opportunity
A trademark serves as an intangible asset that helps your business or brand grow. Successful trademark registration allows your company to gain more profit and fame, similar to how Adidas and McDonald's have gained more money through licensing and franchising agreements.
Unique Identity
The registered brand or product gets global recognition through international trademark registration.
Basic needs to file for International Trademark Registration
To File The International Registration, You Need The Following Requirements:
For example, if you are an Australian citizen or own a business in Australia, your association is from Canada, which means you must file your registration application through Canada's Intellectual Property (IP) Office.